2 year old Ibrahim drinking water at home after spending the day with his mother Fatima Abbakar-Gedala at CARE food distribution in Djiogi, Chad. The Sahel fringe of Chad is in the grip of a food crisis. Chronic poverty combined with last year's failed crops have left people vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition. According to UN figures 3.6 million people are affected by the food crisis as of June 2012. People have been forced to sell livestock to buy food. Women and children are walking increasingly further in search of water, some spending as many as 12 hours a day at the chore. Men have left with livestock to search for pasture in the south of the country. Care has been distributing food aid and repairing wells in Biltene and other parts of Chad. Photo: Brendan Bannon
One of the main challenges the LPG industry is facing concerns the introduction of this clean fuel in rural areas, in order to eradicate the use of solid fuels especially…